After the secession and the decision to be known and recognized as a separate nation with its own rules and traditions the Key West came to be known as a micronation that has its own passport and a flag both.
The flag stands high and mighty on large polls all around the conch republic key west and the passport represents its citizens everywhere around the world. Like any other passport or flag functions.
Here, we will discuss in detail about the flag as well as the passport of the republic. Things like how they came into being, who designed them, what use they provide to the republicans and any other important information that might aid those looking to learn or a potential visitor planning a trip to the conch republic.
The two things we will discuss in detail will be:
The Conch Republic Passport
The Conch Republic Flag

The Conch Republic Passport
We will start off by describing the appearance of the passport along with a graphical illustration:
The appearance of the passport
The outside of the book is a blue linen-like material with a writing and logo on it in the golden colour. The top writing on the passport reads the words:
“Conch Republic”
Right below the writing is a logo that is split in three sections. One section is dedicated to the navy hence, the top right corner of the logo contains a golden embedded image of a fleet. Right beside the fleet is an image paying homage to the tropical side of the conch republic; hence, the image contains a whale jumping out of the water. Right below these two inside the logo is an image of the conch republic flag. Right below the logo is some writing in a fancy band that reads one of the motto of the micronation:
“We seceded where others failed”
And lastly at the very bottom of the front of the passport is the word “PASSPORT” in all caps, also embedded in golden writing. The back of the passport is just empty blue linen.
This completes the outer appearance of the identification book.
Inside it contains the information any other passport does, relevant to the holder of the book.
Further the logo of the republic is actually known as the seal of the state which is signed by the secretary of the state. The document is of international quality and is completely thread-sewn. If you are looking to purchase the document then it is available on all official sites or you can access our website to buy the book at a reasonable price.

The Party Passport Conjunto
In this section, you can avail a discount if you are a citizen of Key West. Although it comes at a higher price than the original passport it is still an upgrade. With this passport, you can easily venture around the republic and get it stamped as well as get great deals on official occasions.
You can avail discounts everywhere such as cafes, restaurants, hotels and all other places worth visiting around the micronation conch republic. Especially if you are a tourist or visitor it is highly recommended that if you wish to spend a fun time in the republic then access to the party passport is the way to go as the discounts and further benefits aid the experience heavily in comparison to the normal passport that only grants entry into the nation.
Below is an image of the party passport which is absolutely similar to the original, just a lighter shade of linen and instead of the words PASSPORT at the bottom, there is written the words “PARTY PASSPORT”.

The Diplomatic Passport of the micronation Key West
Another form of the passport both for local citizens as well as visitors is the diplomat passport. Just like the party passport this provides beneficial advantages in restaurants, cafes, resorts and hotels etc. as well as if you are a citizen of the conch republic then whatever town you belong to with the possession of this passport you have the right to represent your town fully. Just under the purchase of the diplomat passport and a stamp you can make decisions and get involved in serious business regarding the republic.
The only difference between comparison to the party and original document books is that this one is a red linen cover and at the very top it reads the word DIPLOMAT in all capital letters. The difference in colour is to show the importance of the diplomat passport in comparison to the normal one.

The Conch Republic Flag
The appearance of the flag has already been discussed in detail separately before. However, to give a general descriptive idea below is a list of the things that altogether make the conch republic flag.
The writing “The conch republic”.
The Sun with a white seashell inside it.
Four stars on the left.
Six stars on the right.
The number 1828
The words “Key West”
Altogether these are the things that are on the flag of the nation. The flag, just like the passport, is blue in colour.

The flag of the nation is a great merchandise logo. Be it cups, tee shirts, frames, posters, caps etc it is the main representative of the nation when it comes to souvenirs. Visitors take home with them mini flags, flags in a bigger size, tee-shirts with the flag on them and many other things for keep's sake to remember their visit at the micronation.
The flag is raised high and mighty on poles all around the republic for representation of the micronation Key West in the eyes of its citizens as well as those that know of its history and visit to experience a taste of what the Florida Keys is actually like. The Key West conch republic flag is a reason for respect and honour for those living in the state that are aware of the importance and the courage of this nation.
Hence, both the flag and passport, be it any country or state give identity to the person. To be able to confirm that you belong to a lad or can visit a land where they can provide you identification of its own is a confirmation of success and independence which the conch republic has been bestowed with many years ago and now its people simply live the legacy and roam free.