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Reasons to Pay a Visit to the Key Lime Pie Festival in Key West



The fact of the Key lime pie being the national dessert of the republic is very well known. The lime fruit is adored by the citizens of the nation and is used in variations of not only desserts but drinks and anywhere else in the culinary expertise of the conch republic.

When the fact is declared it becomes quite evident as to how an entire event or festival named and celebrated in the fruit's honour might be splendid and enjoyable as well as greatly informative. The conch does not miss at all when it comes to fun. The most famous place in all of the republic that sells Key lime pie is Kermit’s Key West Key Lime Shoppe. According to both national geographic and the infamous channel known as Food Network, the shop is renowned for selling the best pie in all of the United States and quite possibly in the world as well.


Mentioned below are various fun things that take place at the festival, presenting reasons as to why you should participate in the fun as well!

Following are the aspects most popular and unique about the festival that lures in more and more visitors each year. Each festival is better than the last. The fun never ends when you are in Key West.

The Key Lime Pie (duh)

This mention is as obvious as it gets because what is a Key Lime festival without the pie at the festival. Entry to the festival is completely free. One can visit and explore as well as purchase tasty goods to try along on the journey. The historic background of the pie is explained through various events that take place inside the festival.

A general recipe is also available on our website if you wish you recreate the delicious dessert at home on your own for your loved ones to taste and eat. The pie is served by local vendors that have set up their personal stalls at the festival. Anything they sell in their respective bakeries is sold on the day of the celebration. Although the price varies in comparison to the original price at the store.

The Key Lime Pie Drinks

The vendors do not JUST sell the pie but also take the fruit that is key lime to the next level by selling different tasty things such as key lime drinks. They also include rum drinks. The conchs are known for living a lush nightlife filled with tipsy memories and moments.

This is why a nice refreshing beverage at the festival is a great way to celebrate the fruit and add to the fun. Bar owners from all over the republic take part in the celebration by bringing forth their special drinks for the event and selling them. Some of which are exclusive only for those that visit the festival.

The Key Lime Food & Dishes

Do not limit the fruit to just dessert and drinks because local chefs kick it up a notch at the festival by taking the fruit and incorporating it into the different food sold at the festival. Restaurant and café owners set up their very own stalls or even food trucks that sell exclusive key lime festival dishes. The festival is a grand gesture that takes place around all of Key West and pays homage to the tradition and culture that is the national dessert of the republic.

The Key Lime Fun Activities

The citizens of Florida Keys are famously known as people with the frame of mind that is diverted more towards having fun and spending an easy life rather than having to work for something too much. The nightlife of the republicans is a hundred percent accurate instance that takes place despite any event.

The most common game at any pie or cake event is the pie in the face! And the conchs do it just right by placing an assortment of pies in a line on a table for the participants. This activity is completely free with the just cost of getting cream and pie all in your face.

It is an everyday thing that is extra special on the days of celebrations such as clubs, bars, and restaurants all partake in creating special dishes for the auspicious event as well as make arrangements for fun things to do for those visiting. Fun banners to take pictures in front of and much more!

The Key Lime Festival Special Fireworks

Filled with fun, laughter, music, and live activities the fireworks take place at the Fourth of July celebration in the conch republic. This equals to double the fun and double the activities to take part in. The celebration takes place at the pier and goes on from day till night. Celebrate your heart’s desire. Eat good food, delicious drinks, get wasted, and lastly enjoy the fireworks in all their glory of blues, reds, and whites, the colors of the United States. People from outside the republic visit to see what the conchs are about and how they have fun and spread the jolly.

Hence, these are just a few of the things you can do in the conch republic in the name and honor of the Key lime pie festival. A fun time with friends and family during the summer, watching the fireworks, enjoying delicious pie, just spreading love and joy. Letting loose at the festival is a great way to celebrate the holidays.


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107 Simonton St.,

Key West, FL 33040

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